
Akira Kurosawa's final tale of loveSet in a 19th-century brothel, a beautiful young geisha, O-shin, harbours a samurai seeking refuge. Falling in love with O-shin, the samurai hopes to cleanse her of the sins of her possession. But fate and fortune conspire to keep the lovers apart.
Akira Kurosawa's final tale of loveSet in a 19th-century brothel, a beautiful young geisha, O-shin, harbours a samurai seeking refuge. Falling in love with O-shin, the samurai hopes to cleanse her of the sins of her possession. But fate and fortune conspire to keep the lovers apart.
Sea Is Watching - Sea Is Watching - NTSC/0


Format: DVD
Label: Via Vision
Rel. Date: 05/10/2024
UPC: 9337369041124

Sea Is Watching - NTSC/0
Artist: Sea Is Watching
Format: DVD
New: Available $17.99

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Akira Kurosawa's final tale of loveSet in a 19th-century brothel, a beautiful young geisha, O-shin, harbours a samurai seeking refuge. Falling in love with O-shin, the samurai hopes to cleanse her of the sins of her possession. But fate and fortune conspire to keep the lovers apart.
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